

反差系數 gamma以希臘字母γ表示的感光特性曲線直線部分的斜率……反差系數的物理意義可解釋為照相影像對被攝體反差(影調)的響應程度(或復製過程中復製出的影相與母片反差之間的關係。伽瑪等於1時,說明影相與被攝體的反差相同;大於或小於1時,說明照相影像的反差大於或低於被攝體。


gamma 伽瑪(磁場強度單位)(圖像)灰度系數;非線性系數;對比系數


BKSTS出版「illustrated dictionary of moving image technology
gamma (1) A measure of photographic film contrast, the gradient of the straight-line portion of the characteristic curve relating exposure and density. See Figure C.2. (2) In television, the relationship between the original scene brightness and the corresponding displayed brightness. For a camera it is the slope of the curve relating the logarithms of the incident light and the output voltage. Similarly for a display device, the input voltage and the light output.

Focal Press出版「FilmVideo Terms and Concepts
in film - The contrast gradient of a film, representing the particular relationship of the light and dark areas of images developed upon it. Basically, it is the measure of the angle of the straight line in the film's characteristic curve as compared to the fog level. This is a figure that expresses the film's contrast. See also characteristic curve.
in video - An image on video, when being recorded or edited, has the ability to change if the video or pedestal levels are altered, thus affecting the shot's gamma, or contrast range. So, this angle, which is basically fixed in a film stock, can be a variable in video.
註: "in film""in video"原為本書使用的符號,而按本書的符號定義,gamma是源於film再為video沿用。

Focal Press出版「The Focal Digital Imaging A-Z
gamma In photographic sensitometry, gamma refers to the slope of the straight line portion of the characteristic curve of an emulsion. In digital imaging, it is a measure of the midtone image contrast, the relationship between input data from an electronic image and output data telling the monitor how to display an image. See Linear gamma.

Penguin Reference出版「The Complete - Film – Dictionary
Gamma The Measurement of contrast in a film emulsion dependent on the change in development. The gamma is measured from the slope of the characteristic curve. The term "overall gamma" refers to the gamma produced from the range of films involved in creating the final image—e.g., from the negative, master positive or internegative, and release prints. See characteristic curve.

 綜上所述,與gamma關係密切的是characteristic curvecharacteristic curve「現代影視技術辭典」譯為「感光特性曲線」,柯達公司發行之「電影製作指南」(繁體中文版)稱之為「特性曲線」。而gamma所指涉(或探究)的,就是特性曲線中直線區段的斜率。為了讓人理解「特性曲線」,柯達公司發行過一本小冊子「Basic Photographic Sensitometry Workbook」。Sensitometry依「現代影視技術辭典」譯為「感光測定學」,「英漢廣播電視技術詞滙」、「電影製作指南」皆譯為「感光學」。



取自Sony PMW-EX3 Broucher

的確,視訊的gamma意義和filmgamma意義,或有不同。但也不至於天差地別。依「Television Fundamental」一書中所說,電子雜訊容易干擾視訊,而出現在暗部的雜訊又比出現在亮部部的雜訊,容易為人視別。所以,較經濟的做法就是:對電視機動gamma的手腳,增加gamma讓訊號顯示(亮度)低於訊號(亮度);然後在攝影機上動gamma的手腳(gamma correction),降低gamma讓訊號(拍攝亮度)高於拍攝物(亮度);最後,兩者中和,呈現出來的即是接近gamma1(直線線性)畫面亮度。
取自「An introduction to Digital Video / Focal Press」


早期,在專業電子攝影機的brochure裡,是沒有人會特別去提gamma這件事的。因為電子攝影機最終是在電視機上播出,所以gamma的問題不成問題。但隨著DV普及,或說用電子攝影機拍攝電影日趨常見,電子攝影機gamma的問題(或噱頭)就慢慢浮上檯面了;因為基本上戲院放映端(拷貝)並沒有動、也沒辦法動gamma的手腳,而電子攝影機的gamma correction就會造放映畫面的明暗呈失準。但其實在電影配光(grading, 電影辭典/國家電影資料館這一關,是可以修正的回來的。

那究竟什麼是gamma?簡單來說,就是影像亮度由暗至亮的連續級距,其輸入與輸出間的變化(差異)關係。gamma值1,表示輸入與輸出的差異是線性的,斜率越陡對比越強,斜率越緩對比越弱。柯達出產的膠卷,都有特性曲線的說明資料,拍攝者可以依據拍攝需求(影像呈現效果需求)選擇適合型號的膠卷。那電子攝影呢?就來看看近來火熱的S-Log好了。從SonyS-Log White Paper 1.12.3版中的Characteristic curve of S-Log可以看出,S-Log的特性曲線也是呈現直線的。
取自Sony S-Log White Paper

至於像是PMW-EX3PMW-350這類機型在brochure中強調的「Selectable Gamma Curve(Cine 1, 2, 3, 4)Sony Picture ProfilesKneeGammaBlackBlack Gamma這類的項目,其實就是在改變電子攝影機gamma特性曲線的整體或部分特性。至於每一項參數的改變,到底是把特性曲線改變成什麼樣?就需要進一步透過ACCU Chart中的灰階測試圖,透過波形示波器才能較精確地掌握每一項的變化(修正)重點所在。

再回過頭來看film的時代。沒有這些曲線玩意,在意的是特性曲線的直線(線性)部分。目的就是求一個一致性,大家能有一個溝通的標準。從拍攝角度來看,底片的特性曲線已經是不變的了,那要如何讓場景的整體亮度zone system能呈現出導演所要的氛圍,就只有靠燈光的增減了。

取自Kodak彩色負片5207的Technical Data


